Arts & Disability Ireland supports artists with disabilities through funding, commissioning and showcasing, mentoring and residency opportunities.
Danny Aherne, still from a dance film developed using Arts and Disability Connect New Work award 2015
Everything about Galway inspires me - the port, the cranes, the weather. They fuel my passion to jam and mix a really unique piece with the fantastic artists
Jez Colborne, composer of Trickster, Galway 2014
Noemi Lakmaier, recipient of ADI/Fire Station Artists’ Studios, Studio Award for an Artist with a Disability 2008/09.
‘We Are For You Because We Are Against Them’, a site specific installation-performance in the LAB, June 2009
Silent Moves Ignite National Tour 2015
Daisy Bright from Silent Moves, a film by Aideen Barry and artists from Scannan Technologies and The Ridgepool Training Centre, 2014
Trickster, by Jez Colborne and That’s Life, an Ignite Commission, Galway 2014
Graeae’s Signs of a Diva with Caroline Parker on National Tour with Arts & Disability Touring Network, February 2013