In championing the creativity of artists with disabilities Arts & Disability Ireland is committed to working with the arts sector to embed and mainstream access. Our residency partnerships with Fire Station Artists’ Studios and axis:Ballymun are an opportunity for artists with disabilities to participate in a residency alongside their non-disabled peers in some of Dublin’s most dynamic and vibrant visual and performing arts organisations.
Anna Berndston, Protected, 2010. Anna was the recipient of the Studio Award for an Artist with a Disability from ADI and Fire Station Artists’ Studios in 2009-2010
Read more about the Studio Award for an Artist with a Disability at Fire Station Artists’ Studios
Kevin Nolan recipient of Playground: Arts & Disability Ireland and axis:Ballymun residency award for performing artists with disabilities 2016
It was a time of quiet reflection and gathering of myself in lots of ways. I arrived in Fire Station quite discombobulated.
Ruth le Gear, recipient of Studio Award for an artist with a disability, Fire Station Artists’ Studios, 2011