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Laptop on a wooden desk. Photo by Domenico Loia on Unsplash

March Knowbility Website Clinics

  • ISL Interpreted
  • Speech to Text

Venue: Online

10–24 March 2021

Is your website accessible to your patrons, donors, and staff with disabilities?

Get a high-level overview of accessibility barriers that may prevent as many as 20% of your potential visitors from getting information, buying tickets, and donating to your mission.

Digital accessibility experts from Knowbility will review your website and provide actionable feedback on ways to improve the experience for all.

These 20 minute clinics will take place on Wednesday 10th, Friday 19th and Wednesday 24th March 2021 from 1pm – 6:30pm GMT.

Make an appointment today to take advantage of this very special offer of €75 per clinic.

Live Speech to Text (CART) , Irish, American, and British Sign Language interpretation was available on request at the time of booking.

This event took place in Zoom.

Irish Sign Language (ISL) is the sign language used in the republic of Ireland. The language makes use of space and involves movement of hands, body, face and head. A sign language interpreter interprets what a person says or signs simultaneously, or immediately afterwards.

Speech to Text is a process of converting speech into text.