The fourth annual NeuroPride Festival returns from the 1 to the 8 August.
This year Neuro Pride have put together an eclectic range of events based on the interests of the community. The festival is aimed at Neurodivergent adults but they encourage neurotypical adults to attend those events open to all and share in our joy.
The theme for this year’s festival is Neurodivergent Passion and Neuro Pride encourage community members to submit art work, poetry, written work or whatever they would like to share on this theme. Neuro Pride is a celebration of neurodivergent culture and identity, and a chance for neurodivergent people from all communities and walks of life to learn from each other and build connections through a wide variety of online events, as well as for allies to learn more about what it means to be neurodivergent and how they can best support and celebrate the neurodivergent people in their own communities.
The events will take place online via Zoom, which you can register for through Eventbrite. Please note, Zoom links will be sent on the day of the event. Events include panels, soapbox sessions, chair yoga, crafting, poetry, and more.
To view the full schedule and for more information on all that Neuro Pride do, visit their Facebook page or click here.
Images courtesy of Neuro Pride Ireland.