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Visual Art: ISL Tours at the RHA Gallery

3 - 6 Jul 2024 (Past)

15 Ely Place, Dublin 2, D02 A213

Guided tours in Irish Sign Language of the 194th RHA Annual Exhibition.

This year the RHA will be delivering a series of ISL tours by tour guide Lianne Quigley. This tour is exclusively in Irish Sign Language and will not have any translation available.

The next dates and times for the ISL tour are;

Wednesday 3 July: 5 to 6pm

Saturday 6 July: 12 to 1pm

For the ISL video of this event, please visit the RHA Facebook page. The Royal Hibernian Academy is located in the city centre of Dublin, adjacent to the National Gallery of Ireland and National Museum of Ireland and within close proximity to a wide variety of public transport services. There is plenty of parking available in the neighbourhood and the RHA is fully wheelchair accessible. For more information, visit rhagallery.ie.

The Arts

#visual art