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A group of eight happy people are seated around a big table covered with craft materials, some are giving the thumbs-up sign. In the background, there is a warm glowing pink light.

Visual Art: Dr Sinéad McCann’s and AlanJames Burns’ ‘Our Place’

14 - 28 Jul 2023 (Past)

Riverbank Arts Centre, Newbridge, Co. Kildare

‘Our Place’ playfully explores themes of happiness, human rights, and a sense of belonging by transforming the McKenna Gallery at Riverbank Arts Centre into a friendly multi-sensory environment through an electric combination of sound art, storytelling, tactile lighting and comfy seating for everyone to enjoy.

A soundscape plays through a system of 12 audio speakers in the gallery with adjustable volume. To further enhance this experience for everyone, three distinct sensory areas within the gallery space have been created including; a social seating area, a time out area, and a tactile string lighting area.

‘Our Place’ was developed by artists Dr Sinéad McCann and AlanJames Burns in close collaboration with artists, who are supported by Saint John of God Liffey Services, Aíne Walsh, David Carter, Keith Whelan, Laura Hickey, Aidan Winters, Conor Begley, David Carter, David Deane, Frances Quinn, Jonathan Smith, Niamh Fortune and Sean Winder. All creative decisions and ideas leading to the exhibition design were informed by collaborative workshops with all collaborators, including during a two-week residency in Riverbank Arts Centre in February 2023.

‘Our Place’ is  funded by the Arts Council of Ireland Artist in Community Scheme, managed by Create Ireland. Our Place is supported by Kildare’s Creative Ireland bursary awards 2023.

The following accessibility measures are in place:

An introduction video using lámh.
A social story available online.
Open captions of sound artworks.
Braille description.
Adjustable lighting and sound volume.
You can book your visit in advance and receive a ticket from the Riverbank.

Further information and advanced booking:

Location: Riverbank Arts Centre, Main Street, Newbridge, Co. Kildare, W12 D962
Email: boxoffice@riverbank.ie
Phone: 045448327
Opening hours: Monday – Friday 9:30 – 17:00 (Closed for lunch 2-2.30pm)


AlanJames Burns
Dr Sinéad McCann
Our Place
Riverbank Arts Centre