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Visual Art: Deenview Project participants exhibition in the Creamery House, Kilkenny

22 - 25 Jul 2019 (Past)

Creamery House, Chatsworth Street, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny

Deenview Project is a participatory, collaborative, process-led art project in the context of Deenview Centre, involving members of the Deenview Community in Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny.

Artist Tunde Toth has been working with the group – including clients and staff – since 2015, on a number of art projects that were pedagogic in nature. This phase of the project is a departure from the educational framework; an attempt to establish a more equal partnership, a collaboration, an inclusive and empowering process for all involved.

This work attempts, through a slow process, to establish an equal partnership between participants, artist, organisations and collaborators; aiming for a meaningful and sustained collaboration, an inclusive, ethical, non-hierarchical and empowering process for all involved.

Deenview Project was part of Tunde’s research and studies for her MA course in Limerick School of Art and Design (MA SPACE: Visual Arts and Design in Social Practice and the Creative Environment, completed in 2018).

Deenview Project’s overarching theme is social inclusion / exclusion in the context of disability. Closely connected are ongoing issues with disability rights in Ireland – including  the right to participate in and contribute to society, the right to access services, public spaces, including arts spaces and most importantly the right to access information.

The project follows an interactive, dialogical approach and considers conversation and discussion as process and work.

Both the exhibition and the project website is a result of a long term collaboration with participants: www.deenviewproject.com

Exhibition launch in the Creamery House, Castlecomer, Monday 22nd July.

The exhibition is available to visit by appointment 23rd – 25th July, 12 – 4 pm daily.

Contact Tunde for appointments and a guided tour of the exhibition.
Mobile: 087 254 3362
Email: tunde@tundetoth.com


#visual art
Deenview Project