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A group of people in the National Gallery passing through an archway. Paintings line the vivid red walls.

Visual Art: Accessible Events at The National Gallery in July

3 - 29 Jul 2024 (Past)

The National Gallery of Ireland, Merrion Square, Dublin 2

There are several accessible events coming up at the National Gallery in July 2024.

Curator’s Introductory Talk: Women Impressionists
Wednesday 3 July 12pm to 1pm
Location: Online via Zoom

Discover more about the exhibition Women Impressionists with exhibition curator Janet McLean. Marking the 150th anniversary of the first Impressionist exhibition, held in Paris in 1874, this exhibition showcases the works of four important artists. Berthe Morisot (1841-1895), Eva Gonzalès (1849-1883), Marie Bracquemond (1860-1914) and Mary Cassatt (1844-1926) played vital roles in one of the most revolutionary movements in Western art. The exhibition will explore how each artist navigated complex personal and professional networks to create and exhibit her art. It will be the first exhibition to bring these four important artists together in Ireland.

Women Impressionists features works from the collections of the National Gallery of Ireland and Ordrupgaard, Denmark, as well as from public and private collections in Europe and the United States. This exhibition is organised by Ordupgaard in collaboration with the National Gallery of Ireland.

This free talk will take place online via Zoom. Login details will be contained in the e-mail booking receipt. There will be time for questions after the talk. The talk will be recorded and made available on the Gallery’s YouTube channel until the exhibition ends. This event will be accompanied by an Irish sign language interpreter. 

Public Tour for people who have a hearing impairment or are Hard of Hearing

Thursday 4 July 5.30pm to 6.30pm
Location: Courtyard, National Gallery of Ireland

This free tour, exploring some highlights of the Gallery’s permanent collection, is for individuals who are hard of hearing or have hearing impairments. This tour is fully accessible to people who are hard of hearing and use a tour guide system with T-loop capabilities, and takes place at 5.30pm on the first Thursday of every month.

ISL Tour
Thursday 11 July 6pm to 7pm
Location: Courtyard, National Gallery of Ireland

Join the Gallery’s Irish Sign Language tour guides for a look at highlights from the Gallery’s national collection.

As the Gallery endeavours to make activities and events accessible to the deaf community, they wish to welcome members of the ISL community to the Gallery. This tour is exclusively in Irish Sign Language and will not have any translation available.

An ISL tour of the permanent collection or other temporary exhibitions place at 6pm on the second Thursday of the month.

Audio Described Tour
Thursday 18 July 6pm to 7pm
Location: Courtyard, National Gallery of Ireland

Join the Gallery’s highly trained tour guides for an audio described exploration of the national collection and temporary exhibitions. Visitors will be guided  through key parts of the Gallery building and focus on several highlights on display incorporating audio description and discussion. All public tours are fully accessible to people who are hard of hearing and use a tour guide system with T-loop capabilities.

Friendly Workshops

8 July 11.15am to 12pm
15 July 11.15am to 12pm
22 July 11.15am to 12pm
29 July 11.15am to 12pm
Location: Shaw Room

These free workshops are especially for children who thrive in smaller groups. These workshops provide space for children to engage as they wish whether they be sensory seeking or avoidant. They are suitable for children who may find it difficult to regulate but who would enjoy the Gallery’s regular busy drop-in workshops. With a focus on exploring creativity, the experienced facilitators will take a fun and friendly approach to leading the session. A variety of art-making processes and experiences will be offered to suit your child’s preferences.

The workshops will consider the senses – touch, smell, sight. They will aim to bring to life pieces in the collection as a source of inspiration to create their own artworks. Our theme for these sessions is the silver medal that was won by the artist Jack B. Yeats at the Paris Olympics in 1924. The medal is currently on display in room 14.

All forms of communication are welcome at the National Gallery of Ireland. The workshop facilitators have received training in AAC. An activity specific communication board has been created for the events but feel free to bring your own form of AAC.

Please note places are limited, so advance booking is essential. Booking is only required for children. Parents, guardians and carers who wish to accompany their children do not need to reserve a space. Ticket-holders will be emailed in advance with information about what to expect during the session. These sessions are very popular, so please contact the Gallery if you can’t attend. For further information, please contact Caomhán at cmacconiomaire@ngi.ie

Read the National Gallery’s visitor guide for details of what to expect on your visit to the Gallery.

Image credits:

Header image – Jack Caffrey, The Pimlico Project, 2021

Jack B. Yeats (1871-1957), The Liffey Swim, 1923. Photo copyright of the National Gallery of Ireland

Berthe Morisot, In the Bois de Boulogne, 1879. Nationalmuseum Stockholm.

Jack B. Yeats (1871-1957), The Liffey Swim, 1923. Photo copyright of the National Gallery of Ireland

Image: Jack Caffrey, The Pimlico Project 2017, courtesy of National Gallery of Ireland.

Berthe Morisot, In the Bois de Boulogne, 1879. Nationalmuseum Stockholm. Image courtesy of the National Gallery of Ireland.

The Arts

Accessible Art
Audio described
Children's Events
Friendly Workshops
ISL Interpreted
ISL Tour
Loop System
National Gallery of Ireland
Online Events