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Gallery: Online Audio Description Tour for people with a visual impairment

25 Jan 2022 (Past)


In a new online programme, the Hugh Lane Gallery is piloting audio descriptions of artworks in the collection for people with a visual impairment with Fala Buggy.

Hosted on Zoom January 25 at 12pm.

Using audio description, high contrast images and sound to discover the artworks. Altered images will be forwarded in advance to those who have enrolled and the theme for this month is the exhibition ‘Hiwa K: Do you remember what you are burning?’

Places are limited and advanced booking is essential here [eventbrite]:

Additional information: This Audio Description will be hosted live through the Zoom online platform which is currently accessible through a computer, laptop or smartphone. Once you have registered via Eventbrite, we will forward in advance of the online session the Meeting ID/password and general advice on using Zoom.

If you have any queries please contact Catherine Neville email: catherine.neville@dublincity.ie or tel. 01-222 5560

Dublin Access Partnership
The Arts