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An image of Teresa Deevy, with hair up in a bun and round glasses as she looks to the camera. The photo in in an old, blue tone.

Theatre: The Somewhat Imagined, Partly Historical, True Story of the Forgotten Irish Playwright Teresa Deevy

24 Jan - 1 Feb 2025 (Past)

dlr Mill Theatre Dundrum, 16 Sandyford Road, Dundrum

The Somewhat Imagined, Partly Historical, True Story of the Forgotten Irish Playwright Teresa Deevy runs from 24 January to the 1 February.

The Elders have been fascinated with forgotten playwright Teresa Deevy for many years. Now with the support of Create and dlr Mill Theatre they have created an original biopic of her life and work with playwright Michelle Read and theatre maker Andrea Scott which will be performed in the Maureen O’Hara Studio.

The Elders, a group of 15 community theatre artists will engage you in the incredible journey of Deevy’s life and work, a life in which she was a female playwright who was deaf writing strong female characters in a male world. A woman who never stopped rising above challenges to keep creating, who fought to remain visible in her lifetime. This original piece will continue to keep her a visible and valuable voice.

For more information and to book, visit milltheatre.ie

Access Performances

The performance on January 31 will  be sign language interpreted by Amanda Coogan and filmed.  There will also be a post show discussion with a panel of experts on Teresa Deevy.

Banner image by Olaf Deevy, courtesy of the Deevy family.

The Arts

ISL Interpreted
Mill Theatre
Teresa Deevy
The Elders