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A woman stands at a microphone with her hands up and fingers splayed. A cigarette is between her fingers in her right hand. She is styled as someone from the 1960's.

Theatre: The Patient Gloria at Project Arts Centre, Audio Described Performance and Touch Tour

4 May 2023 (Past)

The Project Arts Centre, Temple Bar, Dublin 2

California 1964.

A nine-year-old girl, Pammy, asks, “Mommy, did you ever go to bed with anyone besides daddy?” The child’s mother, Gloria, recently divorced and uncomfortable with her sexual desire, lies “No, honey.”

Gloria later wrote in her diary “What was I supposed to say? Of course dear, everyone does? Oh shit.”

This exchange became central to the 1965 films Three Approaches to Psychotherapy or The Gloria Films. The project was the idea of psychotherapist Dr Everett Shostrum, who directed and produced, enlisting three eminent psychotherapists to work with a thirty-year-old, chain-smoking, loquacious divorcee named Gloria.

His avowed intention was to show the films to college psychology students to give them an insight into what’s usually a private process but he subsequently released the films in cinemas and on TV, betraying the privacy of the patient Gloria.

Gloria is gloriously avenged by Gina Moxley’s irreverent, gutsy, hilariously funny, and strangely moving mash-up of punk rock, satire and yes, therapy.

Accessible Performances:

Audio Described Performance and a Touch Tour: 4th May at 7.30pm

For more information and booking, please visit: https://projectartscentre.ie/event/the-patient-gloria/

WINNER – 2019 Scotsman Fringe First Award

WINNER – 2019 Herald Angel Award

New York Times Critics Pick – November 2022

The Arts

Audio described
Project Arts Centre
the patient gloria
Touch tour