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Two men are seated on a bicycle, one behind the other. They both have the arms in the air and have funny expressions on their faces. The man in front is wearing a cap, striped top and dungarees with a bicycle on it. The man behind is wearing a blue jacket and has a beard.

Theatre: Rothar at The Ark, Audio Described Performance and Touch Tour

1 Oct 2023 (Past)

The Ark, 11A Eustace St, Temple Bar, Dublin 2, D02 A590

Presented as part of Dublin Theatre Festival.

Where can you go when there’s nowhere to go?

In the little bike shop at the end of town, a world of adventure awaits. Two boys and their bikes travel the world in a show that conjures play from the everyday and where anything is possible.

Created by Branar and performed by Miquel Barceló and Moisés Mas García, this joyful production celebrates the places your imagination can take you.

Accessible Performance

Audio Described performance: 1st October at 4pm with Touch Tour at 3.15pm.

Bookings can be made via the Dublin Theatre Festival or Ark websites.



To book the Touch Tour, please contact The Ark directly by emailing boxoffice@ark.ie

Programme Notes:

Rothar_Programme Notes

The Arts

Audio Description
Children's Theatre
Dublin Theatre Festival
The Ark
Touch tour