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Two women in front of an olive background. One has brown hair tied back and wears a navy jumpoer and white collar. The other has short brown hair and a blunt fringe and wears silver rimmed glasses.

Theatre: Riksteatern Crea Presents Interpreted Online Performance of ‘You Too’

17 - 21 Jan 2024, 6:00 pm - 5:00 pm (Past)


An emotional journey through two strong female portraits directed by Mindy Drapsa. Don’t miss this unique collaborative production between Riksteatern Crea, International Visual Theatre and CinéSourds.

Riksteatern Crea’s vision is to create the very best dramatic art in Swedish Sign Language, with and by artists and cultural performers who are deaf and members of the sign-language community. They also work constantly to improve our collaboration with international interest organisations and theatres.

The Swedish journalist Sara does a digital interview with Camille, president of a French association for women’s shelters. The conversation, which was originally supposed to be about domestic violence, quickly develops into a confidential discussion. The conversation revolves around what it is like to live in a destructive relationship when you belong to a minority group, in this case the deaf minority. Together, the women reflect on what consequences can arise due to the culture of silence that surrounds deaf society. A central question arises – is there a way out of a destructive relationship? During the conversation, deeply hidden secrets come to the surface. Who is really the victim and who is the perpetrator – what is it that must not be told? It turns out that nothing is as the two women expected.

The show is performed on Zoom in International Signs, allowing it to be experienced worldwide. The show is 35 minutes, and several different showtimes are offered to accommodate different time zones.

The language of the play is International Signs, but Wednesday 17 January at 7pm (6pm Irish Time) and Friday 19 January at 3pm (2pm Irish time) there is also an interpretation into spoken English. Visit riksteatern.se for more information.

Image by Riksteatern Crea.


Interperated Performances
Online Events
Riksteatern Crea
Swedish Sign Language
You Too