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Luke Kelly and Dyslexia Action students read together on a giant bed

Storytelling Workshop for Children With Autism

17 Apr 2017 (Past)

St. Stephen's Green

Deirdre Sullivan, a writer and Special Educational Needs teacher, presents a sensory storytelling workshop for children with autism.

Children will engage in farm-themed sensory games while exploring a picture book in a calm, child-directed environment.

Advance booking: https://cruinniu-rte.ticketsolve.com/shows/873572903

Monday 17th April 2017, 11.00, 12.00, 13.00, St. Stephen’s Green

To read more about Deirdre, check out her website: https://deirdresullivanbooks.com/

Cruinniú na Cásca, a Creative Ireland initiative presented by RTÉ is a free public event which will take place in towns and cities across Ireland, on Easter Monday with a special large-scale event in Dublin.

Deirdre Sullivan

When Deirdre is not writing she is a reader and a guinea pig enthusiast. She still likes cake, but she’s been hearing some good things about biscuits recently.

Deirdre Sullivan, writer, with her guinea pig


Crinniú na Cásca