Public Lecture: ‘Disability and Human Rights’
15 Dec 2015 (Past)
Room 4.03, 3 College Green, Trinity College Dublin
The School of Social Work and Social Policy will host “Disability and Human Rights” by Emily Logan, Chief commissioner of Human Rights and Equality, followed by the launch of the book “Disability and Human Rights: Global Perspectives” edited by Dr. Edurne García Iriarte, Prof. Roy McConkey and Prof. Robbie Gilligan on 15th December at Trinity College Dublin.
“This excellent new text brings together authors from across the globe to consider the impact of the CRPD on the lives of disabled people in local and pan-national contexts. A particular highlight is the representation of work emerging from nations outside of Western European and North American contexts. In this sense the text will help to support the emergence of Global South Disability Studies alongside a continued representation of work from the minority world context.” – Dan Goodley, Professor of Disability Studies and Education, University of Sheffield, UK.
“This is a ground-breaking book that brings a truly global and interdisciplinary perspective to the application of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). It skilfully combines sophisticated conceptual frameworks regarding disabilities with case examples and practical approaches fitting with local and national cultures and political systems. This book is a must-read for professionals, policy makers, families, and people with disabilities seeking to understand the implications of the CRPD and ways to improve the lives of people with disabilities around the world.” – Tamar Heller, Professor, Head of the Department of Disability and Human Development, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA.
Event Details:
Date: Tuesday, 15 December
Time: 5-6.30pm
Venue: Room 4.03, 3 College Green, Trinity College Dublin
Emily Logan is the first Chief Commissioner of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission appointed by President Michael D Higgins on 31 October 2014. Ms Logan has served as Ireland’s first Ombudsman for Children and as President of the European Network of Ombudsmen for children from 2008 to 2011.
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