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Music, Visual Art and Poetry: Vibrations of the Soul by Kevin Nolan and John Nolan

16 Sep 2016 (Past)

Axis Ballymun

Vibrations of the Soul: A unique collaboration between visual artist John Nolan and his nephew poet/composer Kevin Nolan.

An exhibition of John Nolan’s paintings with a reading from the collection of poetry and also music written by Kevin Nolan during his time as Artist in Residence at axis Ballymun.

16th September, 2016
7pm at axis Ballymun

Please RSVP to leigh.hussey@axisballymun.ie


Drowning music video by Kevin Nolan

Kevin Nolan

Here on the planet Tom Waits, in the vastness of the galaxy David Lynch or rather the black hole Nick Cave?


Debut Album Fredrick and the Golden Dawn
