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Filmmaker John Kelly stands in front of camera holding a small screen

Film: Nevermore at the Whale Theatre

28 Nov 2021, 4:00 pm (Past)

Whale Theatre

Ireland’s first truly indigenous Science Fiction short premieres Sunday 28th November at the Whale Theatre.  As part of an afternoon of films from Clap ‘n Load Studios taking the audience on a journey through time.

Directed and produced by John Kelly, and written by Jay Cosgrave. Nevermore is set in 2400, when the Interstellar War has ended, the Union has been defeated and pushed back to a handful of colonies dotted around the Solar system. The Empire rules with an iron fist, and as the Union lies in ruin, Captain Michael Dane sees an opportunity for profit. He and his crew travel from planet to moon to space station willing to take the jobs others dare not. One such job, where they encounter a scientist and his female companion, quickly turns into a life or death situation with lethal ramifications for the entire galaxy.

This event at The Whale Theatre will see Clap ‘n Load Studios presenting its first three films: Masquerade, a period drama set in 1916 England and Visionaries, a documentary on visual impairment and music, alongside Nevermore. Masquerade is set as tensions rise with the Irish Rising brewing to the east and the first World War raging to the west. For Duke Kenneth Wright, what happens when family become foe, and the sharks begin to smell blood? In the present day, Visionaries asks, how do we adapt when deprived of one of our most vital senses? How can we learn to achieve our goals and thrive with little or no sight? This documentary follows the inspiring stories of three visually impaired musicians – Frank Kelly, Audrey Tormey and Conor Maguire – and how they have achieved what may seem to be the impossible, and the important role music has played in their lives.

Nevermore is supported by the Arts Council’s Arts and Disability Connect scheme, managed by Arts & Disability Ireland. For more information on this funding scheme, please visit website: www.adiarts.ie/connect/


Sunday 28th November at 4pm

Tickets: €12

The Whale Theatre Lane, Adjacent Meridian Point, Greystones, Co Wicklow, A63 V1F8
T: +353 (1) 2010550 E: ask@whaletheatre.ie W: whaletheatre.ie

Book tickets here [website]:


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