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Dance: Running Blind at Rua Red South Dublin Arts Centre

25 - 26 Aug 2017 (Past)

RUA RED, South Dublin Arts Centre

Laura Sarah Dowdall, Dancer in Residence at Rua Red, shares the next evolution in her Running Blind series of work. This performance explores dance as a visceral dialogue of the senses, extending its performance beyond visual form, making its experience inclusive and unique to each participant.

Running Blind is an interactive performance. Audience participants will come into physical contact with performers.

This work questions the filters through which we experience our world – how do we perceive, interpret and interact with our environment and each other? What is it to see differently and what do we have to gain?

Friday, 25th August: 6:30 – 7:15, 7:30 – 8:15, and 8:30 – 9:15
Saturday, 26th August: 3:00 – 3:45, 4:00 – 4:45, and 5:00 – 5:45
€12 per person | €10 concession

Book your ticket over the phone with Rua Red by calling 01 451 5860 or alternatively you can email info@ruared.ie.

For details and to follow the project visit:



Watch: Rua Red Dance Artist in Residence Laura Sarah Dowdall 2016/17, talks about her time in Rua Red and her project RunningBlind.

Domestic Bliss: Movement exploring simultaneous and contrasting roles women maintain in western society

A visceral dialogue of dance, sound and sight. An immersion into a tactile, imagined and experienced presence awaits.

The Living Room Project is Contact Improvisation wit hFinnish dancer, Ella Koikkalainen exploring movement in the setting of a front room where the window provides an insight into the relationship of its inhabitants.


Laura Sarah Dowdall
Running Blind