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Dance: Object Permanence at LIVE COLLISION

28 Apr 2022, 6:30 pm (Past)

Project Arts Centre

Object Permanence is Kat Hawkins’ first solo dance presentation that asks questions about the time it takes to do things.

Building a landscape of cripness, Kat takes us intimately into the relationship between the disabled body and assistive devices, revealing a world of joy, companionship and sensuality. Working with different physicalities, Kat reframes the relationship to their assistive devices, bringing care, aggression and ecstasy into movement.

Please join us for an informal conversation between Kat Hawkins and Iarlaith Ni Fheorais on this still emerging work, reflecting on Crip dance and movement.

Ticket price:
€10 / €5

Developed with the support of the Arts Council / An Chomhairle Ealaíon through the Agility Award with curator Iarlaith Ni Fheorais.

Kat Hawkins is queer crip director, dance artist and PhD researcher looking at the role of an understudy in inclusive dance, and non-normative bodies in contemporary dance settings. They create work focused on access, bodies, transcending bodies, time, and the spaces in between.

The Arts

Artists with disabilities
Project Arts Centre