Dance: Networking Day for dance artists working with older people
6 Dec 2019 (Past)
Dance Ireland, Liberty Corner, Foley St, Mountjoy, Dublin 1.
Age & Opportunity and Dance Ireland present a networking day for dance artists working with older people.
The Floor is Yours! invites dance artists who work with older people to come together to connect, reflect and share their practice. The aim of day will be to recognise, build and strengthen the community of dance artists working with older people, scale and map the needs of this community and share some of the knowledge, tools and skills that already exist in the sector. Beyond this, our goal is to improve provision and access to dance for older people.
We invite you to join us if you are a professional dance artist or company working in this area or would like to work in this area, or an organisation interested in this work or supporting this work. The day will consist of workshops, discussions and presentations from those working in the field.
Check out the full schedule here. This is a free event, but places are limited.
For further information and to book a place, contact Dance Ireland
Telephone: +353 1 855 8800
A number of travel bursaries are available to Dance Ireland members working outside Dublin, contact Dance Ireland to apply.
This is an Age & Opportunity ARTS development initiative in partnership with Dance Ireland and developed in consultation with Dance Theatre of Ireland. Age & Opportunity ARTS, Dance Ireland and Dance Theatre of Ireland are funded by the Arts Council of Ireland.
- Categories:
- Artists
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