Arts and Disability Connect: Come Ask Questions Opportunity Two
19 Sep 2023, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (Past)
Online on Zoom
Join the ADI team and ask any questions you have about making an application to the Arts and Disability Connect scheme.
Tuesday 19th September 12-1pm.
For one hour we’ll chat about your application ideas and answer questions you have about the New Work or Research and Reflection awards (previously known as Research and Development).
The Arts and Disability Connect information sessions are for artists with disabilities who are applying for funding and for people who are supporting them to apply.
Speech to text will be provided by MyClearText.
ISL will be provided by Bridge Interpreting.
Please note: This session is specifically for those applying for a New Work award or Research and Reflection award.
Applications are now closed for Mentoring awards or Training awards until 2024.
Book here via Eventbrite.
- Categories:
- Artists