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Access Technology for Audio Description & Captioning: Supporting an Accessible Arts Programme

27 Jun 2023, 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm (Past)


Arts & Disability Ireland will host an online seminar on the 27th of June at 2.30pm.

This online webinar will focus on access technology for audio description and captioning that can support an accessible arts programme.

Access technology can provide numerous ways for audiences with disabilities to engage with a performance or exhibition. There are a variety of ways to do this which can impact on programming decisions and budgets. In this webinar, we will be looking at three key types of access technology used to provide audio description for audiences with disabilities. Each panelist will speak about their area of expertise, current processes in that area and advancements in technology.

Speakers will include:

  • Tim Brown of Apple Sound Ltd. who will speak about audio description for theatre, galleries and museums.
  • Oran McAllister of NaviLens who will speak about NaviLens code and how it can impact on engagement of exhibitions and buildings.
  • Roger Beaumont of Digital 4 who will speak about captioning for theatre.

Biographies for the speakers can be found below.

This webinar is the second in a series. The recording for the first, The ‘Why’ and ‘How’ of Accessibility in Cultural Contexts webinar, can be found here.

This webinar will last for 90 minutes. Each presenter will speak for approximately 15 minutes which will be followed by a facilitated Q&A.

A Zoom link will be circulated to attendees on the 26th of June a day prior to the webinar.

ISL interpreters will be provided by Bridge Interpreting. Speech to text will be provided by MyClearText.

If you have any questions about the session, please email: adrian@adiarts.ie

To book, please visit: www.eventbrite.ie/e/access-technology-for-audio-description-captioning-webinar-tickets-658463902257?aff=oddtdtcreator

Tim Brown is the Managing Director at the family business, Apple Sound Ltd, with over four decades of experience in professional sound system rental and commercial installation. Now focussed on business development in radio tourguide systems hire & sales. Offering two-way & listen-only, assisted listening, point-and-click to listen, audioguides, BYOD audio over wi-fi. Apple Sound is the distribution Partner for ListenTALK & ListenWIFI in UK & Ireland.


Oran McAllister is the Client Engagement Officer at NaviLens. Oran is tasked with developing new relationships and sustaining established partnerships with organisations, associations and users of NaviLens around the world. His passion in the pursuit of accessibility not only comes from his professional background, but also stems from his personal experience.


Roger Beaumont is the owner of Digital 4 which is the market leader in systems that deliver prepared or live text support for audiences – Theatre Captioning, Opera Surtitling, Theatre Sub-Titling as well as applications and interfaces for Live Speech-to-Text. For nearly 20 years , Digital 4 has continued to work with Stagetext, the UK captioning charity, developing hardware and software for Theatre Captioning to improve access in theatres and at Live Events for the 12 million people in the UK with a hearing loss – so far more than 150 caption units have been supplied. Digital 4 has also led development of the CaptionCue smart-caption glasses project which led directly to their introduction at the National Theatre, UK.


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