axis: Ballymun
ADI and axis: Ballymun established a performing arts residency and bursary in 2014 designed to support artists with a disability who are interested in developing their performing arts practice and in creating new work.
The residency provides the selected artist with up to 6 months access to axis studio and performance spaces as well as some financial support.
Residencies for artists and supporting the development of new work are shared objectives of Arts & Disability Ireland and axis: Ballymun. Having worked on a number of separate residencies over various disciplines in recent years, ADI and axis wish to work together to offer a residency and artist’s grant to an artist with a disability who is interested in developing their performance practice in axis.
Kevin Nolan was the recipient of this award in 2016
Stefanie Preissner and Fintin Kelly were the recipients of this award in 2014
Playground for Artists with Disabilities is supported by Arts & Disability Ireland and axis: Ballymun with funding from the Arts Council, Dublin City Council and Ballymun Regeneration Ltd.
To read more about the award and application process click here
Nolan's music is a seething cauldronful of the literary, the theatrical, and the gothically flamboyant, seasoned with a smattering of infernal burlesque
Rod Doyle - author
Kevin Nolan recipient of ADI and axis:Ballymun Performing Arts Residency 2014