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Disability Equality Training (DET)

Arts & Disability Ireland provides arts focused Disability Equality Training (DET) which is specifically tailored for the needs of arts organisations who want to include artists and audiences with disabilities in what they do.

The basic programme is delivered through two half days of facilitated workshops online and covers topics such as:

  • ways of thinking about disability
  •  thinking about words
  • thinking about access
  • thinking about arts & disability
  • communication
  • participation

DET is participative and dynamic, and places disability firmly in the context of equality and rights.

DET usually takes place over two half day sessions online. For smaller organisations it is possible to do one half day session.

We recommend a maximum of 18 – 20 participants for DET. This is to facilitate discussion. We would need a full list of participants, their roles and email addresses.
We will organise a meeting with the point of contact in the organisation to discuss what areas and topics are currently a priority.
We will also send a survey to all participants in advance of the sessions to understand what knowledge people already have and what their expectations are for the training.

Arts & Disability Ireland will provide all training materials and access to our DET publication Thinking About Arts and Disability.

For more information about our DET , including costs, contact Arts & Disability Ireland on info@adiarts.ie or 01 8509002.

Thinking about Disability Training Pack for DET

Thinking about Disability Training Pack for DET

Already I can see my own understanding and confidence increasing following DET