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AlanJames runs a session for a group of people. They sit at the front of a room, in front of blue screens with wave patterns and a large screen that says Divergently Together. They wear a black band on their forehead, linking to wires and an ipad.

Open Call: Divergently Together

Posted: 5 February, 2025

Divergently Together is a socially engaged creative project that uses technology to support neurodivergent communities to take part in climate action.

Climate change is the key issue of our time and it disproportionately affects disabled communities. This can be through eco-ableism, lack of accessible information, physical vulnerabilities in extreme weather events, increased sensitivity in heat waves due to critical medications, and lack of access funding in climate action projects, to name a few. 

However, people with lived experience of disability also have expert skill sets which are needed to address the climate emergency, such as resilience, resourcefulness, and specialist knowledge of navigating a world of barriers and obstacles. People with neurodiversity think creatively in non-linear, exploratory patterns that could greatly support climate mitigation solutions, yet they are largely excluded from climate action. 

About the Open Call

Led by Cavan born artist AlanJames Burns and Insight Centre at DCU, the Divergently Together project is building a shared Island community of neurodivergent individuals from Cavan, Fermanagh and Omagh, which will come together to co-design creative responses to the climate emergency.

How to take part

The call for participants to take part is open now and they are looking for neurodivergent people, over the age of 25 with an interest in climate action. Participants will take part in a series of ten workshops from February to July 2025. There will be an information session online on the 13 February at 12:30pm for those interested in being part of the group. To find out more and sign up for the info session visit alanjamesburns.com/divergently-together or email studio@alanjamesburns.com 

For the ISL interpreted information video, visit instagram.com/alanjamesburns

Divergently Together is a recipient of the Creative Climate Action fund, an initiative from the Creative Ireland Programme. It is funded by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media in collaboration with the Department of the Taoiseach and awarded to Dublin City University in collaboration with the Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics. Divergently Together has emanated from research conducted with the financial support of Taighde Éireann


AlanJames Burns
Divergently Together
open call

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