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Dancers Madeleine Månsson and Anna Borràs Picó perform in Fine Lines. Two dancers moved against a black background and black floor. One person with blond hair tied back leans forward while sitting in a wheelchair to balance another dancer with dark short hair on their back.

Survey: Accessibility in Higher Performing Arts Education by Europe Beyond Access

Posted: 4 February, 2025

Europe Beyond Access (EBA) is an international project that supports the creation of new works by artists who are Deaf and/or have a disability from across Europe. It involves 10 European dance and performing arts organisations and is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union. EBA is the biggest transnational project in the world supporting artists to break the glass ceilings of contemporary dance and theatre and to become Europe’s next artistic leaders.

About the research

In this context, EBA is undertaking research on the access, lack of access and experience of students with a disability in higher education institutions in the performing arts in Creative Europe countries and the UK – that is, theatre schools, dance academies, conservatories, and similar institutions that provide practical, skills-based education for those seeking to enter the professional performing arts, for example as actors, dancers, technicians, directors, choreographers, producers, stage managers, lighting or costume or stage designers, or production managers. Research will also analyse what alternative educational and professional development paths have been followed by people who have a disability who could not access mainstream educational institutions.

The research combines interviews, focus groups, events, a literature review and several surveys. It is coordinated by On the Move, based on its previous research that led to the groundbreaking research series Time to Act. Their final report will be published on 3 December 2025, on the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

About the survey

As part of the research process, there are three surveys that focus on three target groups (people can choose which one to fill in depending on which target group is most relevant for them):

  1. The first survey is addressed to Performing Artists & Culture Professionals (including those in training) with disabilities, and people who are Deaf, Neurodivergent and chronically ill – in the fields of theatre, dance, and other performing arts forms.
  2. The second is addressed to higher education institutions providing tertiary/university-level education in theatre, dance, and other performing arts forms. They are seeking the opinions and experiences of individual staff members as well as formal responses from administrations. More than one response from different representatives/staff members of the same institution are acceptable.
  3. The third survey is addressed to performing arts organisations involved in the creation, production, distribution or presentation of professional works. It focuses particularly on their perception of educational opportunities in this field and how these may enable or hinder careers for artists and professionals with disabilities in the performing arts.

The deadline is 20 March 2025, for more information visit on-the-move.org

Image credit: Fine Lines by Roser López Espinosa and Skånes Dansteater.
Photo credit: Tilo Stengel, Sjoerd Derine.


Europe Beyond Access

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