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A sculpture in bronze of birds stacked one on top of the other in flight.

Opportunity: Kildare County Council Arts Office Artist Practice Bursary Award 

Posted: 23 May, 2024

Kildare County Council Arts Office welcomes applications from professional artists across all artforms at any stage of their career, for a new Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Artist Practice Bursary supported by The Arts Council.

This award is €5,000, and is available to artists specifically from under-represented backgrounds and communities, including those based on gender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, race, membership of the Traveller Community and socio-economic status.

The bursary aligns with Kildare County Council’s Integration Strategy 2020 – 2026 and the Arts Council’s Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy towards ensuring that everyone who lives in Ireland has the opportunity to engage with, and participate in the arts. This Artist Practice Bursary Award will provide the opportunity for the successful applicant to focus on the development of their professional practice, or develop a specific artistic project, or both.

This award emphasises the value and benefit to an artist’s development of an extended process of engagement with their practice and seeks to provide an artist from an underrepresented background with the resources to do this. In addition to the bursary award, Kildare Arts Service will work with the artist via a series of 3 meetings to identify opportunities for networking and professional development.

Applications will only be accepted via the online application form and must be submitted before the deadline at 12pm midday Wednesday 12 June 2024.

For queries, please email arts@kildarecoco.ie.

If you need help to complete and submit your application, please contact the Arts Service team as soon as possible by emailing arts@kildarecoco.ie or calling 045 980872.

Image: ‘Flight of Doves’ by John Behan, Kildare County Council Municipal Art Collection.


Artist Practice

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