Survey: Night Time Economy Accessibility
Posted: 21 May, 2024
Conducted on behalf of the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, the purpose of the survey is to understand how people with disabilities experience night life in Ireland.
If the Night Time Economy is to be truly inclusive and diverse it is imperative that we examine the current challenges for people and Artists with disabilities and those with an intellectual disabilities in order to find solutions together on how we deliver this objective. This research has been developed in consultation with individuals and organisations from these communities. This survey is open until 24 June 2024.
If you are a person with a disability, an artist with a disability working in the Night Time Economy or an organisation working with persons with a disability, you are invited to participate in this research by completing the online survey.
For the Main Survey please click here
For the organisation survey please click here
Más mian leat an suirbhé a líonadh trí Ghaeilge, is féidir leat é sin a dhéanamh anseo
For information regarding the survey, and to hear from our guest speaker Louise Bruton on her lived experience as an artist and a patron of the Night Time Economy, watch the video below.
If you are a person with an intellectual disability, or someone assisting a person with an intellectual disability, you can complete the survey in three ways:
1. Fill out the online easy to read survey here
2. Print out the easy to read PDF here complete it by hand and return it to us by post to Night Time Economy Unit, Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, 3rd Floor, Joyce House, Lombard St, Dublin 1, or scan the document and email to
3. Contact if you would like us to post you a hard copy of the survey. You can then complete it by hand and return it to us by post, or scan and email to
Please click on this link for a guide on how to complete the easy to read survey.
If you have any questions, contact
- Categories:
- Audiences