Funding: UPSTART 2022 now open for applications
Posted: 17 February, 2022
This funding scheme aims to maximise the resources for artistic engagement by people with disabilities.
Mayo County Council’s Arts Service is delighted to announce the re-launch of UPSTART, an initiative of Mayo County Council’s Arts Service which aims to:
- Incentivise quality artistic collaborations between groups/ people with disabilities, artists, arts venues and organisations within County Mayo.
- Support opportunities for people with disabilities to develop arts projects in celebration of International Day of Persons with Disabilities, 3 December.
Who can Apply?
- Venues that have participated in Mayo County council’s Arts and Disability Programme. (Disability Equality Training, 2009, access audits, 2010.)
- Artists that participated in our Disability Equality Training session, 2009.
- Professional artists with disabilities.
- Groups of people with disabilities interested in working with a particular artist and/or venue to develop a project. (The professional artist’s C.V would need to show evidence of experience of working with people with disabilities).
The deadline for applications is 5.p.m. on Wednesday 16 March 2022.
If you would like to attend an information session about the scheme on Wednesday 23 February at 10a.m. you can join at the following link:
If you would like to apply to the scheme please download an application form, with information about the eligibility criteria, at this link:
For further information on the UPSTART programme, contact Damien O’Connor, Disability Arts coordinator, Mayo County Council, 094 906 4363,
About the Scheme:
Mayo County Council’s arts service has made a considerable commitment to the development of quality Arts and Disability activity in County Mayo through flagship projects and ongoing programmes.
Since 2010, through the UPSTART programme, the Arts Service has provided funding for 51 UPSTART projects employing 116 artists/facilitators working with 677 participants on 460 workshops leading to 59 presentations/performances to over 3,000 audience members. The collaborative projects in Mayo have led to a variety of extremely high-quality artistic outcomes including exhibitions, films, workshops, music, theatre and dance performances. For information on UPSTART projects to date, see website:
UPSTART is strategically funded by Mayo County Council in partnership with the Arts Council.