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Open Call for Photographers

Posted: 20 August, 2018

Open call for contemporary artists working with photography
Application deadline: 5th September, 2018.

The Parted Veil: Commemoration in photographic practices will be an exhibition of Irish artists who use the photographic image to consider ideas of remembrance and celebration, and especially to reflect how intimate experiences express the wider events shaping our contemporary world.

The exhibition will be held in the Glucksman Gallery, University College Cork.

A dedicated publication will accompany the exhibition and will feature artworks from the exhibition, texts from Irish poets and contextual essays by the curators.

We invite contemporary artists from across the island of Ireland to submit photographic works for inclusion in the exhibition. The proposed works should explore the the relationship between the photographic image and commemoration, the importance of individual perspectives to national discourse, and how our collective memory is shaped through photography.

To apply, you will need to submit an artist’s statement, your CV, and up to 5 examples of your photography.

More information is available on the Glucksman’s website or by downloading the word document below:

Open Call Information Sheet


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