Stagetext bursary available for AMA conference 2017
Posted: 9 May, 2017
This year Stagetext is sponsoring a deaf, deafened or hard of hearing professional working within the arts, culture and heritage sector and who will benefit from live subtitling access to attend AMA conference 2017.
The Stagetext bursary will help cover up to 80% of your delegate cost. If your application is successful, you’ll only need to contribute £100 + VAT towards your place.
This year’s AMA conference – The Value of Everything is held in Belfast, 25 – 27 July and will bring together inspiring worldwide speakers and 600+ like-minded arts, culture and heritage professionals. The breakout sessions which the successful applicant chooses to attend will be live subtitled to ensure equal access alongside their hearing peers. The keynote sessions will also be live subtitled.
To apply for the Stagetext bursary, simply:
Download and complete the short application form on the AMA website and send it back by Thursday, 18th May, 2017.
Find out more on the AMA website.
Need convincing? 6 Reasons Why You Should Attend
I was able to attend due to the bursary and threw myself into as much as possible – I really enjoyed it and found it incredibly valuable.
ACW bursary delegate
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