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Image of Into the Light by Corina Duyn

Visual Art: Full Circle by Corina Duyn at Carnegie Arts Centre

1 - 31 Jul 2016 (Past)

Carnegie Arts Centre, Kenmare, Co Kerry

This month long exhibition will bring the visitor on a journey of discovery through imaginative sculptures of birds, roots and mystical figures, and finely woven tapestries.

Full Circle signals Corina Duyn’s return to Kenmare, her first home in Ireland 27 years ago.

Her deep connection and appreciation of nature is ever present in her art and in her (four) books, all of which are available during the exhibition.

Her most recent publication: Into the Light, a book-in- a-box, was described as “a hug in a box” by a young cancer patient.

Sister Stan expressed at its launch:

‘Into the Light is not just an ordinary book; it is a deeply spiritual, inspirational work. The story of challenges overcome through courage, of fear overcome by hope, of darkness overcome by light… It makes for an extraordinary presentation.’

To make the works accessible to many, there are postcards, bookmarks, books, prints, as well as a secret-auction for some of the sculptures.

Brushwood Studios will introduce the exhibition, followed by a talk by Corina and screening of short documentaries about her creative life.

Full Circle opens at Carnegie Arts Centre, Kenmare, Co Kerry on 1st July 2016, at 7pm.

The exhibition is open from Wednesday to Saturday and runs from 1st – 31st July, 2016.

For opening times, contact Carnegie Arts Centre on 064 664 8701


For further information, and to view the works and the story behind them, visit http://www.corinaduyn.com/site/exhibition/

Birth Dance by Corina Duyn

The loose sheets - all aspects of image, quote and reflection are all connected. It doesn't need my words, they speak for themselves.

Sr. Stanislaus Kennedy (Sr. Stan), Into the Light launch 2016

Out of the Box, mixed media, 2014

The Arts